Collaborative Workflows

Collaborative workflows designed with your team in mind. Enable team members to collaborate when and where they need to with custom roles and permissions.
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Team Management and Productivity

Localize’s team management component enables project managers to promote teamwork and collaboration in companies of all sizes.

Task Management

Power your team to run workloads and handle translations with confidence. The task manager feature is a simple tool to help your team create transparency, connect collaboratively, and streamline workloads.
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Authentication Process

Access Control and Permissions

As your trusted localization partner, we provide you with the tools needed to monitor activity and prevent unauthorized access to your account.

2-Factor Authentication
Add an extra layer of security to your authentication process by enforcing two-factor authentication for all users in your account.

Audit Logs & Activity Stream
Localize activity stream and audit logs capture all team member activity in each of your projects, so you have a record of who completed each task and when.
Monitor Progress


Keeping track of your freelance translators has never been easier. With Localize reporting features, you can easily monitor progress and word count for each translator assigned to your project.
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Team Assignments and Permissions

Easily define and customize team roles, access, and permissions so each member sees only what’s important to them.

Member Roles

Owner, translator, project manager — each require different access. With Localize, you can easily assign roles according to the function that best suits their needs.

Team Permissions

Advanced team permissions allow you to grant access and set permissions for only those tasks an individual team member is authorized or required to complete.

User Groups

Make sure the right groups of people have access to what they're supposed to. User groups gives you the ability to batch levels of access for collections of team members.

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