Elevate Your Mobile App and Reach Customers Globally with Localized Content

Unlock global engagement with Localize’s app localization platform. Seamlessly connect with your global audience, boost app downloads, and enhance user accessibility by translating your mobile app into your users’ native languages. Automated workflows integrate into your build process and make launching your localized app a breeze.

Seamlessly Bridge Language Barriers

Simple, transparent pricing that grows with you. Try any plan free for 30 days.

By catering to different linguistic needs, our app localization platform helps break down communication barriers, enabling your app to connect with users worldwide and deliver a more inclusive experience. Automated translation workflows allow you to quickly translate app titles, descriptions, and keywords in your users’ native languages to boost discoverability, engagement, and downloads.

Global Audience

Drive ROI With Translated User Experiences

Mobile app localization is your key to reaching new markets. Minimizing the complexities of managing strings and spreadsheets, Localize’s app localization platform helps elevate user experiences with engaging, high-quality mobile app translations that increase in-app purchases and subscriptions to drive ROI.
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Dashboard mockup
Automatic Integration

Save Time With Smart Automations

Reduce the need for manual translation file input into your codebase with Localize’s Command Line Interface (CLI). Integrated into the build process, Localize’s smart automation ensures teams can optimize workflows, eliminate manual processes, and launch apps faster.
Global Audience

Save Developer Resources with Simplified Workflows

Create scalable processes and reduce maintenance costs with simplified workflows. Localize’s app localization platform is designed to be easily managed by any user, which frees up your development team’s time to focus on your core business. 
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Dashboard mockup
File Support

Integrate Your Preferred File Format

Confidently manage and launch translations with our app localization platform. With a comprehensive variety of supported file formats, seamlessly integrate popular file formats such as ANDROID XML, IOS STRINGS, JSON, React Native, XML, and more.
Key Features

Cutting-edge features for advanced translation

Optimize your localization process with our feature-packed app
localization platform full of high-impact translation functionalities.

Smart Automation

Keep your mobile app localization project moving efficiently with advanced workflows and automatic file input into your codebase using Localize’s powerful Command Line Tool.

Collaborative Dashboard

Connect seamlessly with professional translators, manage tasks, and collaborate across teams in a single dashboard.

Centralized Content

Effortlessly manage files, translate content, and make revisions all in one place with Localize’s intuitive app localization platform.

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about our localization tool.

What Is App Localization?

App localization is the process of adapting a mobile application to different languages and cultural contexts. This involves translating the app’s text, adjusting visual elements, and modifying functionalities to suit the preferences of users in various regions. Localize offers the best app localization platform that makes this process manageable and helps developers ensure that their app is not only understood but also resonates well with users from different backgrounds. This approach enhances the app’s global appeal and usability.

What Are App Localization Platforms?

App localization platforms are specialized tools or services that assist developers in translating and adapting their mobile applications for different languages and cultures. These platforms, such as Localize, provide a range of features including translation management, linguistic quality assurance, and support for various file formats. The platform also offers integrations with development workflows to simplify the localization process, enabling developers to deliver culturally appropriate and linguistically accurate versions of their apps.

Why Localize Your App?

Localizing your app is essential for reaching a global audience and expanding your market presence. By translating your app into multiple languages, you make it accessible to users who prefer to interact in their native tongue. This enhances user satisfaction and engagement and leads to higher download rates and better retention. Localize offers the best app localization platform which helps you manage the complexities of app localization, ensuring that your app provides a consistent and enjoyable experience for users around the world.

Why Is Localization Important for Mobile Apps?

Localization is crucial for mobile apps because it allows you to connect with users on a deeper level by speaking their language and addressing their specific cultural needs. An app localization platform not only improves the user experience but also builds trust and loyalty among your audience. Localize enables you to adapt your app’s content, interface, and functionality to meet the expectations of diverse user groups, making your app more appealing and effective in international markets.

Can Localization Impact an App’s Performance?

Yes, localization can significantly impact an app’s performance. By making your app accessible in multiple languages, you can attract a broader audience, which leads to increased downloads and user engagement. Moreover, localized apps are highly likely to receive positive reviews and recommendations. This will further increase their visibility and success in app stores. Localize provides the best app localization platform to ensure that your app’s localization is handled professionally, which can enhance its overall performance and user satisfaction.

Quickest Method for Publishing Translations

Talk to an expert today to find out how you can translate your website in minutes, not months.