Maximize Productivity

Simplify your translation workflows with the Localize dashboard. Easily add, edit, approve, and manage translations hassle-free.

Intuitive Editor

The Localize dashboard simplifies your translation workflows, making it easy to add, edit, approve, and manage your translations.


Need a second pair of eyes? Our in-progress workflow gives you the option to review translations and request changes if needed prior to publishing.

Revision History

With Localize you can easily review translation revision history, including translation source and date, making it easy to revert back to previous versions if desired.

Textual Context

Take the guesswork out of the equation by providing written context for your translators and ensuring your message is translated accurately.

Visual Context

With Localize, you can attach screenshots and other images to give your translators visual context for quality output.

In-Context Editor

The Localize In-Context Editor lets translators see exactly where each phrase appears on your website and how their translation will look on the page.

Ready to translate your website and content faster?

Get started today.