Translation Methods

Empower your team by inviting your own translators directly to your Localize project. We streamline translation, cutting out the need for files.
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Have your own translators?
No problem.

Invite your translators directly to your Localize project. Localize provides a full-featured TMS that allows your translators to translate your content directly within their Localize dashboard. No more emailing spreadsheets and files back and forth!

For teams with in-house or freelance translators, machine translations are often used to generate foundational content for editing. If your translators prefer to work from a clean slate, simply turn off machine translations and they can add their own translations directly in the Localize dashboard.
Machine Translations

Machine translations are fast & free!

Most translation platforms charge extra for machine translations. But not Localize! Machine translations are included at no charge with every plan.We offer integrations with Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Watson and DeepL translation services to get your localization project up and running quickly.
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Ready to translate your website and content faster?

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